
Meet Dr. Shannon Sperber

Shannon holds a doctor of Physical Therapy degree, she is heart math certified and is a licensed Somatic Release Breathwork™ facilitator.

Her passion is helping people clear mental and physical blockages using their breath so they can show up as their true authentic self with more purpose, clarity and alignment.

The intention for every session is to hold a safe space for each person, so they can effectively release and experience a beautiful journey to remembering who they are.

Equals Velocity

Regulating your nervous system through breathwork will help you slow down and reconnect with yourself, discover (remember) your true potential, and ultimately go further faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Soul Journey Breathwork?
It is a somatic experience that takes you out of your thinking mind and into your body. The process lets you release both mental and physical blockages that you have been holding onto. Soul Journey Breathwork employs circular connected breathing coupled with rhythmic music to produce a cathartic emotional release. This may be in the form of moving, shaking, yelling, crying or laughing.
What is the benefit of doing this type of breathwork?
There are many benefits and each experience is different for everyone. However using this breath you will engage your innate ability to heal and sweep out any defenses, blockages, restrictions or pains that hold you back from you are and how you want to show up in this world.
What should I wear?
Wear comfortable, non-binding clothing
Should I eat before the session?
Eating something small is fine, but refrain from eating a large meal right before.
What should I bring?
A yoga mat and water. A journal is optional if you would like to do so after the session.
Are there any contraindications?
It is not appropriate for pregnant women, persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, primary psychiatric conditions, recent surgery, acute stroke, infectious illness, or epilepsy. If you have any doubts, please consult your physician. Persons with asthma should bring inhaler and consult with their physician.

Unlock your true potential with Soul Journey Breathwork

Unlock your true potential with Soul Journey Breathwork